Preliminary Exercise.
Continuity exercise involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down on a chair opposite another character, both exchanges lines of dialogue. It should include Match on Action (filmed twice but shows continuity, once edited the sequence becomes fluent), 180 Degree Rule (shooting from the same side) and Shot-Reverse Shot (when characters are involved in a dialogue, flilmed with close ups of one person, then cut to a close up of the other).
The Storyboard of the preliminary task.
The task.
Here is the preliminary task which I filmed whilst my group partner Darcy and friend Tobi 'starred' in. We took into consideration the shots needed to be involved and a decent location to film in which was suitable and that had a door to walk through and a sitting area to continue doing the shot-reverse shots. so we choose the school common room. It had its disadvantages like the lack of silence so we couldn't hear the dialogue during the filming. I believe we have used the appropriate shots correctly and it has fluently been filmed. The bad point in this video are that as we were friends, the acting and dialogue wasn't taken too seriously so this needs to be thought through in our main task. This clip also needs to be edited so that some clips will be taken out for it to run more smoothly.
Here is the edited version of the Preliminary task, we imported the original task onto iMovie, from there we dragged the clips into place, we cut some clips to delete any unnecessary noise/laughter from me or the 'actors', this made the clip run fluently.
Still frames of the Preliminary Task.
Darcy opens the door. |
Darcy walks through the door, shot of match on action begins in this frame. |
Match in action continues as the sequence becomes on smooth frame. |
Darcy crosses the room. |
Darcy sits down opposite another character, Tobi. This demonstrates the 180 degree rule. |
Shot-Reverse Shot begins here. |
Shot-Reverse Shot continues with other character. |
Shot-Reverse Shot. |
Shot-Reverse Shot ends. |
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