Monday, 20 February 2012

A Thriller Movie - The Codes And Conventions

The Definitions:

The Codes - Systems of signs that create meaning and can be divided into two categories; Technical and Symbolic.

Technical Codes - Camera work involved within the film making process.
Symbolic Codes - Show what is beneath the surface of what you see, (a characters actions show how the characters feeling).

The Conventions - These are the generally accepted ways of doing something.

Thematic Elements - Enigmatic, tension, excitement, anticipation, arousal.

The common codes and conventions throughout the Thriller movie are; eerie tense music, creaking floorboards, wind, phone calls, footsteps, the increasing sound of a heartbeat. These codes are expected to be displayed in this genre to create 'thrill'. The technical codes commonly used are point of view shots, which are specific camera angles- close ups, low angles to create atmosphere and tension. Characterisation is also important to this genre, the typical blurred figure, dark clothing, silhouette in the dark lighting, tall, commonly male is also expected.

Considering the codes and conventions, myself and Darcy have produced a survey to gather information on what the consumers (15+) expect in the thriller genre.....

Our results....

Our findings show that the people of our age rating audience prefer, supernatural or psychological thrillers; suspense/tension, a male villain and features such a tense music and mystery. This will help influence our idea as we now know what the public look for within this genre, we will aim to please.

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