Wednesday, 25 April 2012

What we could of improved....

During filming our movie and editing the frames we came across a few problems, weather it was technical, acting or lack of organisation. Whilst we planned our first filming session, our original date was 17th March, but due to the poor weather we were unable to film on this day as our majority of film is filmed outside, it was also a Saturday, as one of our main actors was at work- we again wasnt able to film. But we were able to arrange a date that was suitable for everyone and the weather was perfect.
   Whilst editing we were aware that the 'dead girls' werent good at 'playing dead' as we noticed that there was movement from an actor, its minor but could be noticable and unrealistic. The main actor that plays the murderer/kidnapper had difficulty wearing his dr Martins so we advised him to take them off when his shoes werent in the frmaes, but we were unaware of the fact that the shoes were visable in a frame. We should of been more observant when when filming. We were also aware as we did a long shot, the lighting behind me filming the frame projected a shadow of myself and the tripod onto the grass. It was inevitable but we could of edited this out as it is noticable and disfigures the shot.

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